Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Little criminal

Oooh la la what a lovely drawing Travis

Found the perfect blank canvas

Tyler attends preschool Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those days are supposed to be days I get a break...Yea right.  Travis has other ideas that includes drawing on walls, drinking and spitting out juice, covering my carpet with crushed pretzels and half eaten apple slices, throwing all my neatly folded laundry on the floor, playing with all food (especially yogurt), demanding his mother hook up toy trailers again and again and again..., climbing up on top of table tops,  biting his sweet mother, terrorizing his brother's room, and other nefarious activties.  I am always reminded on these days how much Tyler entertains his little brother.  We do have sweet moments but I do fantasize (obsess) about nap time.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

sweet brothers

I have been remiss when it comes to updating my blog.  I have been inspired by a few bloggers out there about updating weekly.  What is going on in our lives kind of update.   Do you think I can keep up....I know I know I have serious doubts too.

We had a snow earlier this week.  We bundled up and headed outside.  That is a feat in itself due to the fact that it take 15-20 mins to put on our snow gear. The snowflakes were fat and heavy with moisture.  The windless plains allowed the flakes to float down and land softly on the boys.   Each point of the snowflake stood out on their dark snow coats.   I always like documenting snow because it is so rare lately.  The drought is still in full force.  Yesterday the temperature reached 66.   It was nice to air out the house and spend a few hours soaking up the vitamin D, but I would truly wish there was a few inches of snow on the ground considering it's only January.

On another and much more exciting note I pre-ordered my chicks.  Do I detect some eye rolls...Chickens are cool!  I went with the multi-varitey approach.  My selections include Buff Orpingtons,   Rhode Island Reds, Speckled Sussex, Easter Eggers, Barred Plymouth Rock, Columbian Wyandotte, and Welsummers.  Despite continuous internal debate I decided to get roosters, a Buff Orpington and a Barred Plymouth Rock.  We are to receive them the week of April 22nd.

I am also researching gardening techniques.  I am interested in companion planting and having a winter garden (cold/warm frames).  The simplest website I found about companion planing is here: http://simplehomemade.net/companion-planting/  I am basing placement of veggies and flowers on the websites advice.  Also reading a Self Sufficient Life by John Seymour.  Hopefully all this work will pay off.  Travis will be two by that time and maybe just maybe will be manageable in the garden.  I am planning on having a digging and excavating area in the garden filled with diggers and trucks.

Today I walked in on the boys and they were being so sweet.  Both were laying in Tyler's bed.  I like to capture these moments because they are so fleeting and very rare.