I absolutely positively love my garden this year. I read this post on pinterest the other day, "Gardening is my therapy". I am in full agreement. I have even escaped my boys and picked weeds in the 100 degree heat multiple times this year. I can solve the world's problems, come up with new ideas, and become reinvigorated for the day all in 45 mins of pulling those pesky weeds.
We laid weed barrier and soaker hose this spring. The past few years (basically when I had children) the garden has been an embarrassment. Something had to change and change it did. I still have weeds but I can see my produce.
Most of my plants are happy but I have had a few failures. Some aphid attacks, a heirloom tomato plant that wouldn't produce (soaker hose wasn't watering) and the replanting of beans, carrots, and lettuce (very little lettuce and carrots came up even after that).
My success include exuberant early girl tomato plants, massive amounts of squash (anyone can grow squash not sure if that is an accomplishment ), happy herbs, and lots of beans.
We also have pears and peaches for the first time. We have so many peaches I think the branches will break because of the weight. A plethora of plums and grapes awaits me this fall. Really I have never seen the grapes this healthy and happy. I have so many plans for my vegetables that include salsas, jams, jellies, and pickles. I made an investment in a heavy duty vegetable strainer to make my life much easier. Hopefully no microburst or hail will disrupt my plans, knock on wood.
I know Travis isn't in the garden in this picture, but he is growing like a weed. Plus he really really wanted to come out with me. Too bad it was bed time. |
C'mon rain. We need a end to this excessively dry weather! |
It looks as if the heavens are shining down upon my early girls and they are basking in the glow. |
Rhubarb was a new addition this year |
Darn that barnyard grass. I let it get too big and now when I weed the onions I pull them up as well as the grass. |
Lime basil |
Pretty lavender |
Baby wasps love the mint |
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