Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Obsession

I have become crazy obsessed about quilting, emphasis on the crazy.  I look at new fabric and quilting ideas daily.  My current quilts I am working on infiltrate my daydreams.  On top of that I am a nerd! When the kiddos go down for the night you can find me downstairs with my book on cd, a glass of wine, and the sewing machine running.

A few weeks ago I asked my mom to babysit so I could make a date with my sewing machine.  30 minutes into quilting and my riccar breaks down.  I was upset!  I rarely get a day away and my plans go to pot.  All day long I felt like I had lost a dear friend.  I truly mourned my machine that I had spent hours and hours upon. Luckily we were going to Estes Park for a few days and I could drop my riccar off in Greeley.  (Where I live I cannot just go to the nearest sew and vac place, the nearest one is 1hr and 45 mins away)

Now machine is fixed and I am spending my nights cutting, sewing, or binding.  My first quilt was a DISASTER!  However, I learned from my many mistakes and now my newer quilts are getting better and better.
Fabric is Coming Home Series by Moda.  I definitely need work on Binding.  Also I will never ever ever use thick batting!  I curse thicker batting!  I think it cheapens the look of the quilt.  

This is how Tyler takes pictures now.  My little bundle of energy likes to make funny faces.


Travis is much more agreeable when taking pictures

Play on the Ohio Star pattern.  Baby quilt for friends that are expecting in May.  I just have to bind one side.  My binding skills have improved considerably.  I now use a 3 inch binding width.

LOVE, LOVE minky fabric!

Guess who?  Kinda crazy with two sets of eyes.

Ohio Star pattern, I am going to add the minky fabric on the back. I also will have fabric left over for pillows.

My take on log cabin pattern.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Your quilt work is beautiful! Looks like fun also!