Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's a pleasure to garden

Dustin and I have continuously had a garden for at least 8 or 9 years.  There definitely was a before kid look to the garden, with its nicely weeded rows and healthy plants producing bountiful veggies.  The after kid garden consists weeds, weeds, vegetable plants fighting for survival, and more weeds.  The past 3 years have periodically gotten so bad that last year Dustin had to weed eat a path to the tomatoes.  Honestly what is the point to having a garden when all I feel is embarrassment and it just a irritation in my life.

My mom and her husband Dan have utilized weed barrier for years.  They stabilized it by putting heavier objects on it and cut rows into the barrier to plant seeds.  They also have soaker hose next to each row.  So that means the only place to weed is within the rows.  GENIUS!!  My wonderful husband set me up this year with weed barrier and soaker hose.  Perhaps this year gardening will be a pleasure instead of a pain in you know what.

Tyler caught me taking his picture

Grapes are beginning to leaf out

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Quilt Top

I just finished a new quilt top.  The fabric is so vibrant and crisp.  I plan on using the same fabric to make pillows.  I was delayed in finishing it because I was waiting on an order of batting from amazon.  Thank goodness, especially, because of the thrill of getting a new machine. This lovely fabric is Simon and Kubuki- Juicy Blossoms. To finish I need to have at least a half day, I wonder if I could convince Granny to take the boys.  

Practically Summer

Oh man oh man has it been nice these past few days.  Mid 70's in late April is very unusual.  The days go by so much faster if the boys and I can spend it outside.  Even though it wasn't blazing hot Tyler insisted that the sprinklers be turned on.  How could I say no, especially when I had a camera ready.

Updating Sewing machine

I am SOOOOO very excited.  My clunker downstairs will finally be replaced.  I have put many a miles on my Riccar and now it is time to update.  I will keep my Riccar just in case my new one breaks down (knock on wood).  The search today I constantly second guessed myself.  I talked to three stores that sells the brands Janome, Bernina, Elna, and Pfaff.

Next week I drop the kiddos off at Grannys, and I am going to "test drive" a few machines.  To be honest with myself I have to admit that I already have my mind made up, Bernina. (Particularly the 350 Patchwork edition)  Wooopee!  A new machine.  The usual crafty desire is gone because I do not want to use my old machine.